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Hybrid Farm St. Cloud is now HybridX Fitness

Nearly 8 years ago, Rob and I opened Hybrid Farm Saint Cloud, the second Hybrid Farm location, as one of the first dozen or so OPEX Licensed gyms in the world.

I’ve never been scared to try something new and this was a pivot from our original model. It was a huge risk at the time and the Individual Program Design model proved to be an amazing way to train. But we couldn’t get it to scale the way our group model did.

A few short years later we separated the gyms to ensure the long-term viability of the original location in Rice Lake, Wisconsin and I set out to convert St. Cloud to match our original concept.

That was: Professional fitness coaching, small CrossFit class sizes where everyone could get coaching, and supporting programs, like Custom, Personal Training and Nutrition coaching to ensure results for anyone willing to put in the work.

As we have evolved our primary offering, our CrossFit program, and our gym community alongside but independently from the original Hybrid Farm for the past 6 years, it is time to also evolve our brand.

Hybrid Farm St. Cloud is now HybridX Fitness.

The X comes from a multitude of influences. First to some extent, it’s a throwback to our OPEX days which launched our gym into existence. Having been trained and mentored in program design by original CrossFit games champion, James Fitzgerald, is something I am proud of and will always be part of our gym’s heritage.

Next, in our primary training methodology, there are 10 domains of fitness: Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Strength, Stamina, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy. The X represents these ten domains of fitness.

Finally, X symbolizes the unknown. Training in functional fitness, the way we do it, as opposed to most other methods is not specific training but general physical preparedness (GPP).

Building a broad fitness base, not only prepares you for the unknown and unknowable outside of the gym, it gives you the FREEDOM to be able to pursue life to its fullest. So you can be ready to go on that hiking trip with your buddies, go pick up something heavy in a powerlifting meet, or just help a friend move, you could sign up for that 5k, or participate more actively in your kids or grandkids lives. HybridX Fitness helps people replace health and fitness problems with better movement and lifestyle solutions.

by Ryan Avery